Lab Resources, Forms and Other Information
Lab Facilities
Two-Photon Microscopy (MIRM 150)
We have a Bruker Nano Ultima IV microscope for high-resolution two-photon imaging experiments. Our system is coupled to a Spectra-Physics Insight X3 laser. We have adapted our system for intrinsic/fluorescence camera-based imaging experiments. The main objective lenses we use are 4x (air), 10x LWD, 16x LWD, 20x and 40x.
Fluorescence Macroscopy (MIRM 150)
We use our Olympus MVX-10 to conduct a broad range of experiments. The 1x lens provides a wide field of view (> 1 cm) with reasonable NA. We have incorporated intrinsic imaging to complement fluorescence imaging and laser speckle imaging. The large working distance of this system (8 cm) facilitates simultaneous recording of probe based systems like electrophysiology. We have several different cameras we use with this system, a cooled CCD camera (Cool Snap HQ2) is most used.
Electrophysiology (MIRM 150)
Electrophysiological recordings in our lab are routinely done using a MAP Plexon system. We have coupled this system with a customizable analog and digital boards and speakers to control and monitor the data stream. We also have a 16-channel TDT Razor 2 system.
Lab Data Repository and Analysis Resources
We use GitHub as the repository of lab published data and Maltab functions for analysis
Frequently Used Forms
Pitt BIOENG-2615 Introduction to Neural Engineering (Fall course)
Pitt BIOENG-2505 Multi-modal Biomedical Imaging (Fall course)
Pitt BIOENG-2585 Quantitative Cellular Neuroscience (Fall course)
Pitt NEUROSCI-1046/2146 Intro to Computational Neuroscience (Fall course)
CMU 42-437/737 Optics (Spring course)
CMU 42-689 Introduction to Medical Imaging (Fall course)
CMU 42-630 Introduction to Neural Engineering (Spring course)
Any Signal Processing, Image Processing, Time-Frequency or Time Series Analysis Course
Any Neurophysiology, Neurobiology, CNBC Course
Chemical Hygiene (link)
Blood Borne Pathogens (link)
General CITI training site (link)
Small Animal Training OR Purpose Bred Mice and Rats (link) (now here)
Use of Laboratory Animals in Research and Education (link) (now here)
Responsible Conduct of Research (via Pitt CITI Portal here)
Conflict of Interest form (link) (or here)
Controlled Substances (link) (now here and here)
AESP form (link, need to deliver in person, by fax or email)
Incident or Injury Forms (link)
As of June 2021, all of the IACUC training modules are now accessed through CITI. Instructions on how to add/access these courses can be found through this link https://www.iacuc.pitt.edu/sites/default/files/citi_training_instructions_for_animal_researchers_0_1.pdf
Building access form (here, fill out and return to Lab Administrator)
Laser Safety and Standard Operating Procedures form (here and here, fill out and return to Lab Admin)
Camera Standard Operating Procedures form (here, fill out and return to Lab Admin)
Lab Clean Up Practices and Procedures form (here, fill out and return to Lab Admin)
Lab General Practices form (here, lab members only)
Mouse acclimation guide (here)
Lab Google Calendar access (contact Alex, ajp94 at pitt dot edu)
Lab Microsoft Teams access (contact Alberto, alv15 at pitt dot edu)
Lab-related Slack workgroups (NVC, NVU, PopCoding, check with lab members or Alberto, alv15 at pitt dot edu)
Pitt ARO Website for IACUC protocols herę
Pitt CAMS Website for census management herę
Pitt MyRA Website for Research agreements herę
Pitt MyIBC Website for Biosafety protocols here
Pitt Radiology website here and radiology conference room here
Two-photon Operating Procedures here
MVX Operating Procedures here
Clean-up Procedures here
For issues with the two-photon system contact Alberto (office MIRM 159.05)
For issues with general lab equipment contact Alberto or Hiro (office MIRM 159.05, 159.02)
For general lab issues contact Ping or any of lab faculty member
MIRM guard number 412-383-7091, DLAR Vet 412-624-8387, Pitt Police 412-624-2121
Visit Us
3025 East Carson Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15203
75 from and to Oakland
every 30-min on the hour
every 15-min during peak hours
(412) 624-1210